Anso Memo Box Camera
1927 Introduced just before Ansco merged with the American subsidary of the German firm Agfa, this is a half frame 35mm camera on a vertical box. Ansco itself was the result of the merger of the E & H T Anthony Co. and Scovill & Adams in 1902 under the name of Anthony and Scovill. In 1907 the name was shortened to Ansco.
American Safety Razor Fotodisc
1950 about 127 were made?
Developed in 1950 in New York. The American Safety Razor Company moved to Verona VA in 1951 bought by Phillip Morris Corp. 1960 The finder was located above the word Fotodisc. The better known Kodak Disc camera was not introduced until thirty years later in 1982.
Canon IIB
When the Seiki-Kogaku firm was founded in 1930 they sold their 35mm cameras under the name Kwanon. In 1947 the firm name was changed to Canon. The Canon IIB hence was one of the very early cameras to be sold under the Canon name.
Century 2
1900-1903 This 4 1/4 x 6 1/2 field camera was part of many made before the company was purchased by George Eastman in 1903. In 1905 Century took over Rochester Panoramic Camera Company. In 1907 it became Century Camera Div., EKC then Folmer-Century Div., EKC and finally Folmer Graflex Corp. in 1926.
Chelsea Flash Pistol
The flash pistol enabled a photographer to get extra light for photographs in early photography. The round bowl would hold flash powder which would be ignited when the trigger was pulled. 1895
Concava Tessina
This 35mm film (loaded in special cartridges) camera came with a watch band so that it could be worn like a watch. It is a twin lens reflex camera with one lens reflecting up to the viewer and one lens reflecting down to the film. It had a range of shutter speeds from 1/2 to 1/500 of a second. A spring driven motor could advance the film up to 8 frames per winding. The view finder (square glass) would tilt up for aiming. All of this in a device the 1/2 size of a pack of cigarettes.
Corfield 66
1966 A 6x6cm on 120 film camera made in England. It is believed that only 300 were made. Corfield was started in 1948 and stopped making cameras in 1961.
E & H T Anthony 4 x 5 Plate Eureka School Outfit
1889-1901 This non-folding 4x5 field camera was marked with GOC for Greenpoint Optical Company. Not much larger than a medium loaf of bread. It was also known as a Companion Camera because these cameras were given away as a premium in connection with the Youth's Companion magazine. Perry Mason Co. Youth's Companion was a very popular magazine, originally for youth. Earl Stanley Gardner, the author of the Perry Mason books and a fond reader of Youth's Companion, took the name of the publishing company of this magazine as the hero in his series.
E & H T Anthony 8 x 10 Fairy
1888 8x10 light weight folding view camera. This camera had a revolving back and bellows so pictures could be taken both horizontally or vertically.
Erneman Liliput Camera
Made from 1914-1926. Folding-bellows vest-pocket camera. Note the folding frame finder.
Expo Watch Camera
Although this looks like a man's watch, it is a camera. The watch winder is effectively a lens cap. There are buttons on the side of the watch which take the picture. Introduced in 1905 they were manufactured for about 30 years.
Frank & Heidecke Rollei 16s
A subminiature camera using 16mm film. Manufactured from 1963 to 1967.
Franke & Heidecke Rolleiflex Old Standard
1932-1938 The begining of the Rolleiflex Standard models. They are members of the same family of TLR cameras that were the first modern reflex cameras. The Rolleiflex line is still in production today. Acquired from Bernie Boston.
Folmer Graflex Baseball Camera
1919-1926 Big Bertha
This camera was designed for use as a telephoto sports camera. It is 40" long by 22" high, weighing over 30 lbs. At the time baseball was the true national pasttime. As you can see this was used by the Baltimore News Post and Sunday American. What makes this camera design interesting is the gear shift leaver that was used to quickly focus the lens. There are several bolts that can be adjusted to stop the lever at predetermined points causing the lens to be properly focused on the distances to each base on the baseball field. So even though the camera still used plate film, focus was almost as fast and sure as it is today.
Graflex Century Graphic 23
With a long life span from 1912-1968, the Graphic line from Graflex was very well recieved by the press photographic community for their durability and many other attributes. They were so durable a press photographer could always resort to using his camera as a weapon if he was in a dangerous situation. They were made from aluminum and did not rust. They were so versatile that a photographer had no need to buy a newer model. The company was last owned by Singer (sewing Machines). This model is equipped with a Carl Zeiss 100mm F/2.8 Planar lens, which is quite rare. The lens made it ideal for wedding photography.
Graflex KE-4 Combat Camera
Manufactured for the military in 1953 these cameras were very large, using 70mm film. Since the design looked like a giant Contax camera it was given the nickname "Gulliver's Contax".
Graflex Speed Graphic KE-12
1953-1955. 4x5" plate camera. Like the civilian models these cameras were extremely rugged.
Grub Daguerreotype C Lens 1850
This lens was made for the Daguerreotype camera. Note the drop-in exposure rings (known as Waterhouse stops) beside the lens.
Hasselblad Camera 1000F
1952-1957. Replacement model for the 1600F which was the world's first 6x6cm SLR with interchangeable film magaizines. Both models had shutter problems which is unlike the reputation they have for quality that has developed since then.
Hasselblad Super Wide C
1959-1980 Hasselblad's only fixed lens camera. About the equivalent to a 24mm lens on a 35mm camera. Note the detachable viewfinder. It not only enabled the photographer to see his subject area but also tell whether the aim was level through a side view bubble level. This camera was used by Rip Payne a Charlottesville, VA photographer.
Ihagee Exakta Night B Camera
Ihagee Kamerawerk was the largest independent camera manufacturer in Germany. Voigtlander (Schering), Zeiss Ikon (Carl Zeiss Jena)and Agfa (IG Farben) were owned by other companies. Manufactured in 1933 the Exakta was the first small focal plane SLR.
Ihagee Exakta V X
Made in 1951. The Exakta line was the first small focal plane SLR camera.
Kamera Werkst Pilot 6 Camera
1936-1938 SLR 120mm film. This had a fixed lens. The following model the Super Pilot had a interchangeable lens. The manufacturer Kamera Werksatten changed hands several times until after the fall of the East Germany when it was reacquired by the same family that had owned it before WWII. Acquired from Bernie Boston.
Kiev 4 A
Made in Kiev, The Ukraine, USSR This model was made in 1955-1959 by the Kiev Arsenal factory. It was a clone of the pre-WWII Contax. Some were even sold complete with German instructions for the Contax. In 2009 the Arsenal factory was closed after 245 years of production.
Kodak 1 A Auto Special Camera
1914-1916 This version of the folding bellows camera had a coupled rangefinder which pioneered the concept of focusing while simultaneously judging the distance. The name Autographic signified that the photographer could actually write notes onto the film while it was in the camera. A special window and stylus for scratching notes were built into the camera.
Kodak Auto Revolving Back Tele Graflex
1915-1923. This was a very popular camera that allowed the user to take horizontal or vertical pictures without moving the camera. One only needed to depress a button on the back of the camera and then turn the film back, hence the name "Revolving Back". Made by the Folmer & Schwing Department of Eastman Kodak Co., the camera had 3 advantages for its time. It used a reflex viewing system which allowed accurate focus, a multiple speed focal plane shutter (up to 1/1000 sec.) and a film holder design that facilitated the use many types of film.
Kodak Bantam Special
1936-1940. The name "Special" indicates superior finish for Kodak cameras. In this case the camera has an art-deco styling. The Bantam cameras were folding cameras that used 828 film. 828 film was like 35mm but it did not have any perforation on either side of the roll.
Kodak Box 50th Anniversary
1930. This was a special edition of the No. 2 Hawke-Eye Camera Model C. The Kodak Box 50th Anniversary Model was the logical extension of the successful prepaid photoprocessing model George Eastman had developed. As a promotion recognizing the 50th Anniversary of the Kodak company, these cameras were given away as birthday presents to anyone who had a twelfth birthday in 1930. The promotion unfortunately precipitated a negative response that led to anti-trust legislation. Instead of building business this effort cost the Eastman Kodak Company.
Kodak Box Beau Brownie No. 2
1930-1933. A 6 exposure 120 film box camera. The standard No 2 box camera was made from 1901 to 1933. This art-deco style used five different color combinations The camera pictured above was the blue model.
Kodak Box Model 1
1889-1895. Out of such a simple box camera came a giant. The Kodak Model 1 Box camera was the model George Eastman marketed to the public so successfully. It was also his first production model. The camera sold for $25 with 100 exposures of film preloaded and the amateur only needed to point and pull the wire (pre-shutter button). The winding key at the top enabled selfwinding. But the genious lay in the marketing. These cameras could be sent back to Eastman to have the film processed and printed, A camera reload only cost $10. So a happy customer could be a customer for life. This was the begining of a very successful photographic products business known as Eastman Kodak.
Kodak Ektra
1941-1948. A 35mm rangefinder camera, the Ektra was loaded with bells and whistles and steel. It was very heavy at over 2 lbs. It had interchangeable lenses and magazine backs. It had a focal plane shutter that went up to 1/1000 sec. This camera was part of the antique camera collection acquired from Bernie Boston.
Kodak Instamatic Reflex
1968-1974. Using 126 film cartridges this was a SLR with interchangeable Retina Lenses. Most importantly it had a fully electronic shutter which was one of the very first in the world.
Kodak Medalist 2
1946-1953. A very heavy camera over 2 lbs. The Kodak Medalist II SLR used 620 film. They used a split image range finder.
Kodak Model D Camera
1901-1933. This was a cardboard box camera that used 6 exposures of 120 film. 120 film was introduced with this camera. Note the small size of the Kodak Model D box camera as compared to this modern dollar coin. Acquired from Bernie Boston.
Kodak Retina 1 Type 119
1936-1938. The Retina cameras were made in Germany for Kodak from 1934 to 1969. The factory stopped making cameras from 1941 to 1945 when it was converted to making time fuses for 88mm anti-aircraft ammunition.
The Retina (a folding camera) opened up photography to the general public because of its low price and novel 35mm Daylight Loading Cartridge film. It was the first camera to use 35mm film.
Kodak Retina Reflex 4
1964-1966 A later example of the rigid body (non-folding) style of the Retina cameras which were introduced in 1959. The Retina series of cameras were manufactured from 1934-1969.
Kodak Signet 35 KE-7
1951-1962 A closeup view of the front of the Signal Corps Model KE-7.
Kodak Stereo 35
1954-1959 This camera takes pairs of 24x24mm exposures on standard 35mm cartidge film. Notice the green level between the two lenses.
Konica Aerial GSK-99
1939 Military Aerial Camera. 6x6cm exposures on 120 roll film. Metal spring winder. Fixed focus Hexar lens f3.5/7.5. 1/100-1/400 shutter speed. There were 3 of this model used by the Japaneze naval attack forces during the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
LeCoultre Compass
1937. Manufactured by Jaeger LeCoultre & Company for Compass Cameras Ltd. of London, the Compass measures 2 3/4 x 2 1/8 x 1 1/4 and weighs 7 3/4 ounces. It has a coupled rangefinder, built in lens hood and filters. The view finder converts from normal to right angle. You can overlap 2 frames to take a panoramic picture. Originally designed as a plate camera, there is an accessory roll-film pack which holds a short roll of six 24x36 negatives. The Compass has a rotary shutter with a speed range of 4 1/2 seconds to1/500. There is also an optional folding tripod.
All this was design by a one time member of the British parliment, Noel Pemberton Billing. Billing was a jack of many trades. In his youth in South Africa he joined the mounted police, boxed competitively and fought in the Boer War. He was very interested in aviation, getting his pilots license, designing and building airplanes in his own aviation firm. He held a seat in the house of commons from 1918 to 1923.
Publishing his own journal "The Imperialist" he led a campaign against homosexuality. He then renamed his journal "Vigilante" and continued writing articles against people he thought were lesbian. Later he wrote a play "High Treason" which he filmed. It was not successful.
As for his inventions, there was his camera, a recording system meant to record much more on each record than ever before and another camera "The Phantom", a spy camera which never went into production.
Leica 1A
1926-1930 The first production model from Leica, these cameras did not have a rangefinder. Also the Elmar F3.5/50mm lens was not interchangeable.
Ernst Leitz began in 1849 making microscopes. It was not until 1913 that they began making cameras. Leitz designer, Oskar Barnrnack, had a personal reason for the size of this camera. He was a hiker who had ashma and could not carry the heavy folding cameras of the time. With the Leitz company's support he pioneered the concept of a "small negative and an enlarged print". He used 35mm movie film that was available at the time creating a relatively small negative which required a smaller body and thus a significantly smaller and lighter body. These first cameras were not successful and were put on the shelf until 1925 when they were reintroduced. From then on Leica has been the name for high quality 35mm cameras.
Leica CL
1973-1975. Designed in Germany by Leitz Wetzlar, this camera was built in Japan with Leitz lenses. There were 2 other models made just like it, the Leica Minolta CL with Rokor lenses introduced in Japan and the the Minolta CLE. It is a 35mm compact rangefinder camera that has interchangeable lenses.
Leica 3D
1939-1947. The first Leica to have an internal self-timer. There were only 427 cameras made. This model was probably made between 1941 to 1944. The Leitz company was sought after by both eventual sides of the WWll conflict, selling to the Luftwaffen, Japan, US and Sweden. Another interesting thing about this camera was that Leitz did not make any other self timer cameras until 1954.
Leica 3 G
1956-1960. The last Leica with a screw mount lens.
Leica 3C Molly
1940-1946. Made during WWII the quality of the chrome plating was not as good because of the cost of the process. Hence these models didn't hold up as well to regular use. The attached motor drive named the "Mooly" was the first motor drive ever produced.
Leica KE-7A M4
1967-1973. A special version of the Leica M4 made for the US military.
Ernst Leitz began 1849 making microscopes. It was not until 1913 that they began making cameras. Because these first cameras were not successful they were put on the shelf until 1924 when they were reintroduced. From then on Leica has been the name for high quality cameras.
Leica M3 DS
1954-1966. One of the most sought after of all Leicas. Often thought of as one of the finest cameras ever made. This is a double stroke advance version with a Visoflex III adapter. The Visoflex turned a rangefinder camera into a SLR.
Leica R5
1986. 35mm film SLR. These cameras followered the R3's, parts of which were made by Minolta and the R4s which required more than normal repair. Fortunately the R5's were back to the quality for which Leica was famous.
Leica SL2 Mot
1974. The last mechanical Leitz reflex camera. This camera has a motor drive.
Ernst Leitz began 1849 making microscopes. It was not until 1913 that they began making cameras. Because these first cameras were not successful they were put on the shelf until 1925 when they were reintroduced. From then on Leica has been the name for high quality cameras.
Magic Lantern Projector
c. 1900. 8Hx10W. The early projectors which used a lamp for their light source were known as a Magic Lamp Projectors. They needed a chimney to vent the smoke. A projector operator could either manually change glass slides or hand crank roll film. The lamps were not very bright so the projections were weak.
Minox 3
1951-1956. Starting in 1937 the subminiature Minox was a sucess. Using 8x11mm exposures on 9.5mm film in special cassettes, the Minox became the most popular spy camera for its size and quality of image. The model III designation was a continuation of the I to III series given to camera sold in America.
Minox USSR
1940. Made with stainless steel, this model was manufactured during the short period that Russia occupied Latvia. Made in the USSR is stamped on the case.
Miranda T
1954-1956. The Miranda Camera Company started in 1946 during the American occupation of Japan. They manufactured products for other companies such as Contax, Nikon and Leica. Miranda made over 30 SLR models before it closed in 1978. The Miranda T is a 35mm SLR with a removable pentaprism.
Nicca 3
1949. Seven years after their first camera and 1 year after manufacturing cameras under the Nicca name, the former employees of the Seiki Kogaku company (predecessor of the Canon Company) came out with the Nicca III which looked a lot like a Leica III
The Nicca company made cameras for Sears under the Tower name and in 1958 they were absorbed by Yashica.
Nikon F Camera with Motor
1959. Recognized by the round CdS cell on the front of the prism finder. The Photomic CdS meter prism read light directly through the meter, not through the lens. Nikon made 2 motordrives for the F camera. This was the press photographers camera with countless "war" stories about its toughness especially in the coverage of the Vietnam War.
Nikon S2 Camera
1954-1958. Avery popular Nikon rangefinder 35 mm camera. Over 56,000 were produced. The first Nikon camera to have the 24x36mm format.
Nikon was founded 1917 as Nippon Kogaku K.K.. Until after WWII they made specialty optical devices. It wasn't until 1946 that they made their first camera and changed their name to Nikon, a contraction of the former corporate name.
Nikonos 3
1963-2001 Underwater camera good to 160 ft. The original design came from a design by Jacques-Yves Cousteau. These 35mm cameras were originally produced in France until Nikon bought the company and transfered manufacturing to Japan. Their finest atribute is there water contact lens which were design to only be used in water, not air. Another unique feature is that the lens could be mounted upside down so that the user did not have to turn the camera around to read the lens settings.
Nimslo 35 3D
1980's. A 35mm cartridge loading stereo camera whose images could be seen without the aid of a viewer. The printing process is known as Lenticular printing. Produced by an Atlanta Ga. firm, Nimstec this camera had 4 separate lens which projected 4 half frame images on the euivalent of 2 normal size negatives. These four images were then printed with a special printer which created a 3-D image. In 1989 the Nimslo went bankrupt. Part of the company was sold and for a while 3-D cameras were sold under the Nishika label. Eventually after making an inferior version Nishika went bankrupt also.
Olympus Pen F HF
1963-1966. Olympus Kogaku was founded in 1919 as Takachiho Seisakusho as a manufacturer of microscopes. In 1936 they made their first camera. By 1949 they had been renamed as Olympus Optical Company. A member of the Pen half frame family.
Olympus Pen W HF
1964-1965. Olympus Kogaku was founded in 1919 as Takachiho Seisakusho as a manufacturer of microscopes. In 1936 they made their first camera. By 1949 they had been renamed as Olympus Optical Company. Another member of the Pen half frame family. It is fitted with a 25mm F2.8 wide angle lens. This camera was used by Bernie Boston to photograph the aftermath of the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan by John W. Hinkley Jr. in March 30, 1981.
Polaroid 110A
1957-1960. One of over 25 versions of the classic Poloroid folding camera. After exposing the image the photographer has to pull the film out through 2 squeeser rollers which distribute the developing chemicals across the print. In about a minute, depending on the air temperature, the cover paper could be removed and the picture revealed. This model had a German Rodenstock lens which insured a very sharp image.
Polaroid SX70 SLR 680
1972-1977. In 1948 Poloroid Corporation captured the on and off market for instant photography. Almost 100 years after the first instant camera was patented and went into production in 1857, Dr Edwin H. Land's process finally answered the requirement that instant photography be easy to use and clean in 1948. The camera design folded to a very portable size. The SX-70 made automatic exposures and a battery hidden in the film pack powered the self ejection of the exposed print. The ultimate atraction was that the user could watch the image develope before his very eyes. Acquired from Bernie Boston.
Ricoh Golden 16
1957. 25 exposures of 10mm x 14mm on 16mm film. It came with an interchangeable Ricoh f3.5/25mm fixed focus lens.
Riken Optical Steky
1950-1955. Models II and III were made following the introduction of the Steky in 1947. These subminiatures made 10mm x 14mm exposures on 16mm film. The cameras had focusing, interchangeable screw-mount lenes. This version has a telephoto f5.6/40mm lens. A F3.5/25mm lens is in the foreground.
Riken Optical Steky M3B
1950-1955. The last version of the Steky. This version has an accessory shoe. Others had a filter post in its place.
Robot Luftwaffen
1940-1945 Used for aerial photography by the German Luftwaffen in WWII. A half frame camera on 35mm film. This model has a 75mm F/3.8 Schneider lens. Note the oversized spring winder designed for use by pilots with heavy flight gloves on.
Robot Royal 36
1955-1969 24x36mm full frame on 35mm film rather than the 24x24mm size of previous Royal models. These cameras were very heavy. Royals were the top class models of the Robot Foto and Electronic Company which was founded in 1933 in Dusseldorf, Germany.
Rolleiflex Old Standard
1932-1938. 6x6 on 120 fiim TLR. The first Rolleiflex models #1()serial numbers 1-199,999) were introduced in 1929. This camera an Old Standard model, serial #317394 (#200,000-567,550) has a Zeiss Tessar f3.8/75mm push on lens.
Like the carbide lamps used by mineworkers this light used carbide for fuel. The glass plate is red.
Sawyers View-Master Stereo
1952. Sawyers, Inc. of Portland Oregon made this camera for taking personal View-Mater slides. Film was wound twice through the camera at an angle.
Scovill Mfg Waterbury View 6x8
c 1886-1894. The medium size of the 3 sizes made of the Waterbury View Camera. R D Gray No. 6 Periscope Lens.
Scovill Stereo 4 1/4 x 6 1/5
C 1890's. This is a tailboard field view camera with an unusual stereo lens board. Manufacturing cameras from 1889 to 1907 under several permutations of the Scovill name.
Secam Stylophot
1955. Manufactured in Paris, France the Stylophot cameras were named to give the idea of a "pen" camera. They did have a pocket clip but were very wide and did not resemble a pen very much. You could get 18 10x10mm exposures on 16 mm film in special cartridges. By pulling and pushing the silver tab at the top you could advance the film and cock the shutter.
Stereo Viewer
1870's Bruster Stereo Viewer
Suzuki Optical Echo 8
1951-1956. Cigarette-lighter camera made to look like a Zippo lighter. Used as a KGB spy camera.
Toyo Kogaku Tone Crystar Hit
1948 Toyo Kogaku Tone. Subminiature camera 14mm x 14mm images on "Midget" size rollfilm. Eye level and waist level viewfinder. F3.5/25mm lens. 3 speed shutter.
Also a subminiature 14mm x 14mm image on 17.5mm paper-backed roll film. Both cameras were often used as prizes in arcade games.
Voigtlander Vitessa
1954. 35mm folding camera with barn doors in front. The long plunger extending from the top of the camera was powered a fast winding system. From that it got its name Vitessa.
Voightlander Berfheil Green
1932-1936. Double extension folding plate 4.5 x 6 cm. camera. Green diamond-pattern leathered body and green bellows. Made with Russian leather. Acquired from Bernie Boston.
W.S. Mountford Street Camera
c 1920's. Box form camera for making tintype photos. Special developing tanks hang from the bottom of the camera enabling pictures to be developed on site. A true "Street Camera". This was popular on board walks and city streets.
W. Watson Acme
c 1889. Double-extension field camera 8x10 plate Made in London, England.
Zeiss Ikon Baby Box
1930. A small box camera that takes 127 film. Note the wire front sight. Acquired from Bernie Boston.
Zeiss Ikon Contaflex S
1970-1972. The Contaflex series started in 1935. By the 1960's all models had interchangeable magazine backs, as well as a high speed winder.
Zeiss Ikon Contarex Super
1968-1972. One of Zeiss Ikon's top of the line 35mm SLR.
Zeiss Ikonata Camera
1950-1955. Top quality black leather-covered folding rollfilm camera.
Zeiss Ikon Contax 1E
1932. Top quality rangefinder 35mm camera. The camera line was made from 1932 til 1961 with a stop from 1944-1952.
Zeiss Ikon Nettel 870
1927-1937. Focal plane press camera. 10cm x 15 cm film.
Zeiss Ikon Contax 3A
1936-1942. Top quality rangefinder 35mm camera. The camera line was made from 1932 til 1961 with a stop from 1944-1952.
Zeiss Ikon Contessa 35
1950-1955. Folding 35mm with built in dual range uncoupled exposure meter.