Conley Field Camera with 6x8 Revolving Back
A. Lewis Bernard Vintage Camera Collection
The Camera Heritage Museum has recently acquired the A. Lewis Bernard Vintage Camera Collection from the Paul and Lulu Hilliard University Art Museum of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
This collection includes many fine antique cameras, accessories and images totaling over 900 separate items. The generosity of the Hilliard University Art Museum combined with complementary shipping by Wilson Trucking of Fishersville, Virginia made it possible to transfer the Bernard Vintage Camera Collection to Staunton. The transfer is a perfect example of how collectors and museums are becoming unable to maintain a camera collection given the economic and space constraints of their facilities and the conflict of their missions with camera collecting. They are now seeking alternate facilities to hold their camera collections and the Camera Heritage Museum is being recognized as a facility dedicated to preservation of cameras.
E.H.T Anthony Champion 8x10 Plate Camera c 1890 (BELOW)
Frank Marshman Gift
The first of several installments of cameras given by Frank Marshman, President of the Camera Heritage Museum board of directors, This gift includes 27 camera, lenses and accessories. Harrisonburg, VA
Robert and Sue Baskin Dickler Gift
Over 400 cameras. Too many to name. Williamsburg, VA
George & Shirley Carvlho Gift
Over 1000 cameras. Too many to name. Alameda CA
Richard W. Ellis Gift
Alpa 11si outfit and a lot of Nikon's. Saline, MI
Erroll Hay Gift
1/3 plate Dag. plate and other accessories. Towson, MD
Jim McLoad Gift
Over 1000 Kodak Brownies and accessories. Gibsonville, NC
Judith & Herbert Merrill Gift
Over 25 cameras and 100 accessories. Dallas, TX
Marvin Frankel Gift
Over 350 cameras and accessories Cos Cob CT.